I'm happy with my progress. First show is the UKDFBA British Open with the NPA MWC Invitational the week after. I'm currently weighing 105kg (down from 116kg) and the bodyfat is stripping off me very nicely, can't wait.
Today was quad training, unfortunately I picked up and hip injury 4 months ago and I've been unable to do any sort of barbell squats or leg presses. Therefore, I've had to get creative as not to stall on my leg development progress. Today's session was terrific and I expect to have DOMS for the next 4-5 days, it went like this.......
- 15 minute dynamic warm-up & stretches
- Leg Extension - 80kg, full peak contraction. German Volume Training (10 sets, 10 reps with 60 seconds or less rest between sets)
- Barbell Lunges - 60kg, 30 steps, x5 sets
- Hack Squats - 130kg, German Volume Training
- Single Leg Extension - 25kgx15, x4 sets
- Partial Leg Extension - 80kg x 20, 3 sets
Followed by 15 minutes of stretching then icepack on hips, same again next week but heavier! #noexcuses
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