8 weeks ago I as 106kg now I'm 97.5kg - that's 1 stone 5lbs lost in that period. I've tightened up my diet from last week - so calories which were between 3300 and 3600 calories is now a strict 2,800 and carbs which were between 250g to 300g carbs is now 210g.
As I've not had a single cheat meal or refeed day in 8 weeks I've decided today is the day to treat myself and increase my carbs upto 400g then it's back to the strict regime tomorrow. If you want results then sacrifices need to be made but I believe it's all worth it in the end whether you're competing, trying to build muscle or lose weight. Now pass me that tub of Hagen Daaz and litre bottle of Pepsi!
Link to 4 Week Update